
A city mapping software application designed specifically for couples! Find the optimal path between any two or more points for the perfect date night, bookmark places to visit, and save spots you really enjoyed <3.


A re-creating of the classic game Tetris via Nios II in C on the DE1-SOC FPGA board. Accessories include a double-buffered (Video Graphics Array) VGA display, Personal System/2 (PS/2) keyboard inputs, and speaker audio output. Instructions included for key-movements: shift left/right, rotate clockwise/counter-clockwise, force drop, and exit at any point. A preview of the next block is available as well as the current score. At the end of the game, the option is given to play another round.


Ever wonder how your daily grocery decisions affect the environment? EcoEats is an application that directly accesses your device's camera to identify a given food item. It then calculates and displays an eco-friendliness score (EcoScore) based on the water required and CO2 released during production.


Using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transformers to detect and identify diseases in the 3 staples of humanity's agriculture: wheat, rice, and corn. Simply upload an image and receive a diagnosis with 94% accuracy.


Completely autonomous, UniCar can navigate complex turns and ramps, staying on its black marked track using IR sensors.